Alex Comi

Hello, I'm

Alex Comi


About Me

I am an Entrepreneur and Full-Stack JS Developer. I found that programming is one of my main passions and have been involved in the startup context for more than 10 years. I love Javascript and I am learning Typescript, Python and Solidity🧡.

I started a coffee company (El Café de los Sentidos, S. de R.L. de C.V.) 10 years ago and received several grants to develop the project from the Mexican Ministry of Economiy. We have helped +300 coffee farmers with +$7M and offer the best Mexican coffees since 2013.

I love how AI and Web3 are changing and modeling the world🎉.

Tailwind CSS80%
Postman, Jest, Git/Github, Vercel, Ubuntu, Netlify, Heroku60%
10 Years of Business Experience
7 Years of Coding Experience
Government Backed Startup
Awards and Grants


Mobile App Development

PWA Development

  • React.js/Next.js
  • MongoDB + Vercel + Heroku
  • API Integration
Web Development

Web Development

  • MERN Stack
  • Next.js
  • Netlify/Vercel/Heroku Deployment
Email Marketing

Email Marketing

  • Sendgrid, Mailerlite, Mailchimp
  • Zapier/Pabbly Connect
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Minimum Viable Products

Minimum Viable Products

  • Business Development
  • MVP Structure and Launching
  • Business Oriented Technology Approach
UI/UX Development

UI/UX Development

  • Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS
  • Material UI
  • Styled Components
Learning Lover

Learning Lover❤️

  • Quick Learning Process
  • Easyness to Learn New Skills
  • Motivated to learn New Stuff🚀


El Café de los Sentidos | Business & MVP Development

El Café de los Sentidos | Business & MVP Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Zapier, Memberspace, Ecwid, Mailerlite
El Café de los Sentidos | Landing Page for Workshop

El Café de los Sentidos | Landing Page for Workshop

Next.js, Tailwindcss Ecwid, Zapier, Mailerlite
El Café del Sentidos | Coffee Shop Menu

El Café del Sentidos | Coffee Shop Menu

PWA made with Framework7
El Café de los Sentidos | Shopping List

El Café de los Sentidos | Shopping List

PWA (internal app) made with React.js
Koffe | MVP

Koffe | MVP

PWA (Next.js/React.js, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Heroku, Stripe)
Personal Project | Machine Learning Face Recognition App (INSERT AN IMAGE URL)

Personal Project | Machine Learning Face Recognition App (INSERT AN IMAGE URL)

React, NodeJs/Express, Postgres, BCrypt (Github Repo)
Personal Project | NASA Habitable Planets Recognition Model

Personal Project | NASA Habitable Planets Recognition Model

React, Node and Express
Ghost Context

Ghost Context

Web3 startup that uses Next.js, Tailwindcss, Alchemy API, WalletConnect, among others technologies.